Feature Film Adaptation
Based on the book “Sway” by Matthew John Bocchi
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At twenty-three, Matt Bocchi enters his third stint in drug and alcohol rehab, where he must confront the haunting trauma of his father's death on 9/11 and the years of sexual abuse by his uncle in a desperate fight to reclaim his life and find redemption.
2026 marks the 25th anniversary of 9/11.
This story is based on the first memoir written by a child of 9/11. It’s a story that couldn’t be told until now.
Twenty-three-year-old Matt Bocchi enters his third rehab, battling addictions to drugs, alcohol, and a compulsive need to uncover the truth about his father's death on 9/11. His drug use has long been a way to avoid confronting the painful reality of his trauma and the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his uncle.
In rehab, Matt is pushed to confront his past and share his darkest secrets as the only path to true recovery. Initially resistant, Matt finds the courage to open up after being inspired by another resident's story. In a pivotal moment, he shares the devastating impact of losing his father and the shame of his uncle's abuse, realizing that healing can only come from facing the truth head-on.
Armed with newfound sobriety and the strength that comes from shedding long-held secrets, Matt finally breaks free from the addictions that have held him captive. He emerges determined to build a life of healing and hope, dedicated to helping others through their trauma and pain.
"SWAY" is an emotionally charged story of redemption and triumph over loss, obsession, abuse, and addiction—a story that needs to be told, but more importantly, seen.
The first memoir written by a child of 9/11.
“I was only nine years old, but I knew what death was. It was the end. When it came to my dad though, no amount of rational thought could outweigh my feelings. I watched the footage over and over again, trying to validate my hopes and dreams, believing there was a minute possibility he made it out of the building alive.” - MATTHEW JOHN BOCCHI